SafePath Global
Launch a digital family safety solution in as little as 30 days
SafePath Global is a new deployment and launch model that lets MNOs of any size offer their customers a full-featured SafePath family safety solution directly from a wireless provider they know and trust.

Reduce many of the challenges of deploying a family safety solution
Traditional deployment for MNOs is challenging due to significant startup costs, integration efforts, and resources. SafePath Global streamlines the deployment process to create a faster time-to-market with zero integration, minimal resources, and easy consumer onboarding.
Every MNO can deploy a family safety solution
Regardless of your subscriber base size, SafePath Global delivers everything you need to provide your customers with a digital family safety solution right now.
Fast deployment and launch
Using an enhanced and unique universal distribution strategy, you can rapidly deliver the best-in-class solution in as little as 30 days.
Deliver revenue faster
By minimizing your upfront investment, combined with a faster time-to-market and reduced cost per new subscriber, you can quickly begin realizing revenue.
Marketing program included
MNOs can take advantage of Smith Micro’s team of marketing experts to help create app awareness and assist in driving subscriber adoption and growth.
Easy consumer onboarding and management
SafePath Global can auto-detect a user’s country and MNO to promote your branded experience. Available for both post and pre-paid customers, with support for multiple price plans and languages.
Maintain compliance with legislation
SafePath Global is already strategically positioned to support the growing swell of international legislation to protect children online, as well as compliance with App Store and Play Store upgrades.

Address the digital lifestyle challenges of your subscribers with SafePath®.